Number Converter

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OwnZ joO
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Number Converter

Post by OwnZ joO »

I wrote a program in my computers class to convert numbers to binary and realized it could be used for any base so I decided to change it to be able to convert base 10 numbers to binary, oct, and hex also. So here's the source in case anybody is interested in it. By the way this doesn't use the ToString("X") method, so if you want to see how to convert to hex without that this will show you.
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Re: Number Converter


Why wouldent I use the "X" way? I wouldent know but this is worth looking at.
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OwnZ joO
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Re: Number Converter

Post by OwnZ joO »

Because I had to make an app to convert numbers to binary for computers. I saw how easy it was to do for hex so I just made an app showing how to do it.
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