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My story.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:33 pm
by SikSemper
Didn't know where to put this in the forum but I figure this will do fine.

I was born in 1994, making me 10 years old when halo 2 first came out. I'm not exactly sure when modding came about for halo 2 but I have to guess it was in the year 2004-2005 soon after the game was released. I immediately became addicted to playing with people who could run fast, jump high, climb walls and make the game more fun for everyone. I believe it was when I was 12 years old I acquired an action replay kit and splinter cell and loaded my first dash up. I had no clue at all how to mod and I remember having to use flash FXP to transfer maps over to my xbox (blew my mind at the time) and after several failed attempts resulting in "Failed to load the map" I just couldn't get it to work. I hadn't a clue you actually had to resign the map at all or anything. I got lucky and downloaded a ready to go .map file off the internet from somewhere for turf and all it had was increased run speed and jump height. The moment I loaded the game and jumped I got hooked. Being 12 years of age I only had minimum knowledge of computers as far as having the right .net frameworks for modding programs and pre reqs and half of the things I did failed completely. I remember making my very first successful mod with again only run speed and jump height that actually loaded and was playable and that sparked something in my brain that would never go away. I got all of my computer savvy traits from working with programs for halo 2, setting file paths, making sure everything was right internally and working inside of them. My modding style was simplistic and primitive at first, I wanted to get my 50 in whatever playlist so I figured out ppf and sppf to do some easy matchmaking modding of all the maps. I quickly realized that this wasn't the intention of people in the modding community. I started using the tools that others have created to sculpt my own imaginative creations. I've been around all of these forums since 2005 as an unregistered member viewing tutorials, help discussions, and I eventually signed up on halomods to ask questions (Can't remember my name). Having a community to help you do what you want to achieve but asking nothing in return is what it's all about. I remember annoying DemmonicSandwhich about getting his Bulldog motorcyle and Jumpjet warthog to work properly and he helped me through every step. I pestered turk about his ragdoll with questions, he had nothing but answers. I thank everyone as a community who might read this, and most won't but It's important I express how much this game and this community has grown on me. I only regret that I never released any of my mods or contributed anything to the community. In fact, the only thing I actually contributed was figuring out how to speed up the conveyor belts on elongation and I'd gladly tell you how if you asked me(If I remember exactly how) I am now 20 and still think about modding halo 2 and how fun it was, I'm still in touch with one of my best friends that grew up learning to mod with me all the way form Oregon, and I live in Alabama. Just knowing that you can create something that maybe someone else hasn't yet thought of is what it's all about. So thank you all for what you have done and still continue to do because it helped me through some hard times as a child and gave me a way to express myself creatively. At first I chose Programming as my college major and I was acing all the classes but realized that music was actually what I've wanted to do all my life, programming trailing riiiight behind it. That kind of influence from a game is to me, incredible. Anyways that's my short story and if anyone needs to know how to speed those conveyor belts up, give me a shout. I remember goldbl4d3 made a mini applet for me but the link is gone, sigh haha.

Re: My story.

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 5:49 pm
by DoorM4n
Awesome stuff man, would be cool to have a thread for everyone to post how they got into modding and some of their greatest moments

BTW, forge last night was hilarious. I saved it when you left. :P

Btw, show us pics of your computer!

Re: My story.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:19 am
by SikSemper
DoorM4n wrote:Awesome stuff man, would be cool to have a thread for everyone to post how they got into modding and some of their greatest moments

BTW, forge last night was hilarious. I saved it when you left. :P

Btw, show us pics of your computer!
Haha yeah it was and I saved it too. I'm not sure why it kicked you/me out at the end but whatever. I'll post some pictures for sure.