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The Key to Success | Update: 9-27-2012

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 6:20 am
by DoorM4n
Before you begin I insist you read this first.
Whether you are a skeptic or not, believe in the information I present to you. You have nothing to lose and I am giving you a PROMISE that your life will become everlastingly unforgettable.

The Key was passed onto me by a good family friend who motivated the wealthiest and most successful man in Finland to become what he is today. He taught this man and his life changed and he was shown a path to success at which he followed. Years after this man's business success the man wrote and article and thanked only one man for his motivation and teachings; John R. Darling. I was fortunate enough to have the most unbelievable conversation with him on this topic just one week ago.
John R. Darling wrote:The Key is embedded in our thoughts and feelings. When we generate a thought and thereby create a feeling, we also attract like thoughts and feelings to ourselves from the Universe via the Law of Attraction that thereby functions on the basis of the principle that "like attracts like"
John R. Darling wrote:When you wake up every morning as you put your two feet flat on the floor you make a choice: A choice to be positive or negative; there is no neutral!
Basically, you wake up and make a choice to be positive and influence others, or a choice to be negative and not get anywhere with anyone and lead a mundane life that you may regret later in the future for the acts that you may have performed.
Earl Nightingale wrote:The Strangest Secret: We are what we think about most of the time.
Dale Carnegie wrote:Believe that you will succeed, and you will.
Do not blow off this advice that may seem too farfetched for reality. Respectable people do not make false statements just to say what they feel. They state this because they know it is true. Believe you will accomplish something and you WILL accomplish it. Believe it! Be positive about this information and it will only benefit you!
Dale Carnegie from his book [i]The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking[/i] wrote:William James, Harvard's most distinguished professor of psychology, wrote six sentences that could have a profound effect on your life, six sentenced that are the open sesame to Ali Baba's treasure cave of courage: "In almost any subject, your passion for the subject will save you. If you care enough for a result, you will most certainly attain it, If you wish to be good, you will be good. If you wish to be rich, you will be rich. If you wish to be learned, you will be learned. Only then you must really wish these things and wish them with exclusiveness and not wish one hundred other incompatible things just as strongly."


Well, I am about to lead off into a few tangents but before I do I want to state one thing that I HONESTLY tell myself which keeps me going:
Rare people do rare things, average people do average things; you make the choice. We all have a choice. Money, clothes, personality, nor anything on this planet decides whether you are rare or average. It is your choice. Will you be different? Will you follow the crowd or will you do things people would never have expected from you and be the talk of the town? It is all in your attitude and perspectives toward life and its situations.
Earl Nightingale once said wrote:What ever the great majority is doing under any given circumstance, if you were to do exactly the opposite, you'll probably never make another mistake for as long as you live.
From what I have learned, life is all about happiness and accomplishing goals. Do you have any specific goals that you would like to accomplish in your life time? If you haven't thought about this then do not fret, it is not too late. Of course the cliche is, "Set goals and achieve them." and most of the time we think that setting goals must exclusively include lifetime goals such as the job you want or something of "higher" concern. But actually goal setting should include things within your reach. It doesn't even matter if the goals sound as lame as, "I would like to skateboard from Walmart to my house for no reason at all." That goal sounds almost so ridiculous that you may think you may not get anything from it. Wrong. When you accomplish even the slightest goals you are actually building confidence for accomplishing other goals. Starting out small and then growing will help because usually major goals take a quality education and some money which can be gained over time. Do not forget the quotes above; no matter what circumstances, if you believe you will succeed and you truly want that more so badly, regardless of the circumstances, you will achieve it. That is life. Make goals and achieve them. If you really want to achieve these goals, you will. Plain and simple. You will achieve all goals if you want them to be achieved with every breath and cell in your body.
Quindon Tarver wrote:Take advantage of your youth before it has faded.
This is almost impossible for us to comprehend because the youth will never know how precious it is until it has passed. Our youth will be over in approximately 20 years starting from birth. We will be adults from 21 to 100 years of age. (obviously that differs) EIGHTY years are going to pass by while we are adults. Adults can do what kids can do but they will NEVER have the freedom of opportunity like we do. People don't say, "Take advantage of your youth" for no apparent reason. They say it because they didn't take advantage of the opportunities of their youth and they regret it, or they are passing on advice they followed which made them successful. If we will be part of the youth for 20 years and then be adults for 80, wouldn't you want to take advantage of those 20 years? People ALWAYS say to take advantage of your youth. What they mean by that is to make wireframe for your life! The wireframe! The wireframe is just the sides of the cube! You can paint whatever details you want on that cube later on in your life but the 6 sides of the cube will always be there. The details can be added later. Make GOALS! Make GOALS! Make GOALS! That is what taking advantage of your youth is: Finding out what you want to do and taking what you have and manipulating your situation at home and in your life to accommodate your adventure.

I wrote this a while ago:
Nothing in this world will make you happier than the moment in which you complete a desire or lifelong goal. I am speaking of goals such as: buying a car that you have saved up for, getting an "A" in your Calculus class, or marrying the girl of your dreams. The circumstances in which you accomplish such tasks may altar your "general interest", but that then allows you to make your own personal changes to reach maximum ecstasy. If you have a dream to become the world's fastest runner, what is holding you back from becoming the best? If you put enough effort into this goal, you WILL accomplish it. It may not be easy, but as I mentioned before, "Nothing in this world will make you happier than the moment in which you complete a lifelong goal." I certainly don't have any experience in accomplishing a lifelong goal, and this may make me strikingly naive; however, this simple paragraph is just a motivation that will push me along boundaries that I am currently hesitant to reach. Dismantle hesitance responsibly. The only obstacle in your path is your head.
Ghandi wrote:If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it, even if I do not have it at the beginning.
By all means people, make something of yourself so you do not regret your life once it has faded. The way you make something of yourself is by succeeding in YOUR goals. These goals don't have to have any social impact, but what determines success is whether or not you accomplished your goals. Like I stated before: your goals don't have to be anything big at all. Your goals could be to do a backflip off a tree before a certain date. Surely, you will not get much out of that goal since it is so minor but you can achieve much more satisfaction if you place large goals. Goals can be easily made. Here are a few goals that I may suggest that are life changing:

1)Learn how to surf
2)Learn how to play the guitar
3)Learn how to speak Spanish

These 3 simple goals will change your life. All you have to do is persevere and you will achieve it, REGARDLESS of your situation now. Ten years from now you may be regretting your decisions now because you didn't THINK you knew what you wanted to do. Everyone knows what they want to become in the future, subconsciously; it is up to you to find out what you want by setting goals and achieving them. Make the best of the present so that your future is amazing! Would you like to be happy now, take a stand, and be happier in the future? Or, would you like to be happy now, let your opportunities fade, and be unhappy in the future? By the way, when you set a small goal and then accomplish it, ABSORB and ENLARGE the satisfaction you may get. Make it a HUGE deal when you accomplish a small goal. This will then increase confidence to conquer your other goals that may seem so far away; in reality, all goals are within reach. It takes the correct amount of perseverance to achieve them, though.

Now to break off into another segment.
Perspectives: Follow the instructions...
I want you to pick up anything around you and drop it two feet away from you. Now, if this is an important object that you dropped then you will definitely need it back. If it isn't important then you will probably leave it on the floor :p . Since this is on the floor, it is obviously going to be picked up sometime soon for miscellaneous reasons, unless you have poor living habits. :XD:

I am hoping you dropped an item that you will need to pick up immediately. Now, as human nature this dropped item is a dilemma. You will need to bend down and pick it up, requiring extra unnecessary work. This is basically a problem in a normal perspective. HOWEVER, this is where the BEST, ELITE attitude comes in. Your attitude on life is extremely important! Now, you need to bend down and pick it up and probably grunt from frustration. Look at the bright side, you are now stretching a small portion of your body; stretching is a great thing for all of us to do. Its that simple. No matter how ridiculous you may need to think just to get to the brighter side, do it. Have a positive attitude about life! No matter what errors, unfortunate events, misconceptions, bad habits, terrible people you may have in your life, ALWAYS look at the brighter side. The way to practice this is to dig through your head and think of all the things you loathe. Now instantly find ONE or more things that you truly enjoy about those things even though they have a negative effect on your life. Walk around your bedroom and look at certain things and think about how precious they are to your living facility. I look around my bedroom and I see a lamp to my right; I am instantly thinking how great it is to have this lamp in my room because it lights my once dark room into the study mood. I now shift my head to my left and see an alarm clock. I remember how every morning at 7:30am it annoys the living crap out of me, BUT without this clock I am doomed to get off to work. This clock is a lifesaver and it is getting me moola. There are things all around us that we take for granted and we probably despise, though, it perpetually helps us get moving through our day. Be thankful for what you have. Just wait till you don't have them and you will realize how important it is. For instance, your youth...

Have a positive attitude about even the worst situations and you will conclusively prevail!
Do NOT ever look at the bad side of a situation.
ALWAYS look at the good side of the situation.
Learn from all of your mistakes and those of your peers.

Be sure to pray. It doesn't matter to who pray to. It could be God, Buddha, Christ, Science...Just thank whatever higher power you believe in for your circumstances in life. Be thankful that you are not in a worse situation.

The brighter side is the best side.

Here are a few videos that will shed some light on things:
Brian Tracy ... =N&tab=wv#
Earl Nightingale ... i-Aw&hl=en
The Law of Attraction

I also have a song for you all to download:
Quindon Tarver--Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)

There are millions of videos on the Law of Attraction in which I strongly urge you research on your free time. I didn't complete this topic so I will be either adding onto it or making a new thread in the future.
Please use constructive criticism. I am in the process of developing a more persuasive writing approach so I thought I would attempt to change a few lives, for the better, here. I hope you enjoyed! :D


Life is so precious.
I would seriously like for you to ask yourself right this instant: "What kind of amazing and fun things would I like to accomplish in my lifetime?"

Would you like to be rich? Would you like live the old proverb that states: "A man who loves his job, does not have to work a day in his life." Would you like to live by a beach in the future? Would you like to go sky diving or live a "thrill-full" life?

These are just a few examples that I would recommend acknowledging and manipulating into your own questions.

Life, in general, flourishes with possibilities. There are so many possibilities for humans to succeed in their personal pursuit for happiness. I understand that you read that last sentence and probably ignored it, but try to follow the next sentence. Find out exactly what you want to do with your life. The way you do that is by accomplishing small goals like I mentioned above. There is so much freedom when it comes to setting goals-almost an infinite amount. Discover through setting goals how you want your life to pan out. What exactly are you interested in? And yes, college will help discover your path because it will almost feel as if you are forced to find out. Finding out before hand and setting a goal will make you more confident in accomplishing the task. There are so many possibilities that can be made into goals. Take the ones you want; however, choose wisely. Your major and minor goals make so much difference in your life. The possibilities are endless...

It is all based on your attitude. You must have positive outlook on life. Have you ever listened to a motivational speaker? If you have, then you would already understand the idea that motivational speakers declare copious amounts of advice. Advice seems to be overlooked 95% of the time and that is obvisouly my own percentage. How many of your teenage friends truly take advice and use it to develop a well-rounded lifestyle. My definition for well-rounded is: lifestyle premised on optimism, succeeding in school, friendly, and making future goals that are sufficient for supreme happiness.
Nobody's future has been written. We all have a destiny but this destiny has not been written at all. You control every aspect of your life and self-consciousness MUST be eliminated immediately because of the grip and toll it will have on your decisions. Picture the girl you have a crush on, what is holding you back from asking her out to get ice cream with you? Fear. Fear controls us if we don't control fear. Do NOT be fearful of ANYTHING! Self-consciousness scares us into worrying about our appearance, and not the adventure at hand. Life is based on adventures you are willing to take! Make life amazing! Don't sit back and let it guide itself! Life is much less stressful when you are working toward completing a goal!

It's times like these that you learn to live! Your youthful days fade every second. Take advantage of your youth by discovering what you want to do with your life. Enjoy every aspect of life, you are in complete control of your future! If you want to ride your bike down a mountain, DO IT! You must accomplish the task responsibly though! Nothing is holding you back from your true desires except your state of mind! Life will take you on many different paths, however, you decide what paths you take and which ones you discard. Life is so precious. We only have one chance to make a story for the end.

Imagine everyone was forced to write a book about their lives in the latter years of their future. Do you want to write and read a book about nonsensical rambling and living a prosaic life without any youthful excitment; or do you want to live an outrageous life, embark on countless adventures, experiencing thrill-rides on a daily bases, and making life extraordinary.

Follow your dreams and you will be victorious in your pursuit of happiness.
September 27, 2012

What Motivates you?!

Watch these clips if you want to be motivated!

I'm Gonna Show You How Great I Am! ... mHbac&NR=1

No Excuses! ... re=related

Re: The Key to Success

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:22 pm
by XZodia
That was an enjoyable read and I agreed with every bit of it.

PS. Already have the song its great XD

Re: The Key to Success

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 7:00 pm
by DoorM4n
Great! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I am hoping others read this and conform.

Re: The Key to Success

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:35 am
by Aumaan Anubis
Ha, you've done it, DoorM4n. Every time I see some certain thing on TV, or I experience something that's deep and profound, there's this feeling in my stomach that basically tells me, "Get the hell off your ass and DO SOMETHING!" Only this time, it's rather... "strong."

Honestly, become a motivational speaker or something. I encourage you to enlist in a lifestyle that will enable you to spread your knowledge to others.

You know what... I'm actually gonna do something this time because of what you wrote...

(Approximately 30 seconds later...)

God damn it, my phone battery is dead...
Let's just hope that by the time it charges, I still have the courage to do what I set out to do...

(Approximate two minutes later...)

Well, while waiting, I thought I'd see if I could still do 20 pound weights. Now, the highest that I use to do was 10 military curls(I think they're called) per arm. But that was awhile ago, during a different phase. I'd stopped since, which was about a month ago. So, I thought, as a "goal," how about I try 10 reps again, even though I hadn't done weights for a long time. And I did it. And it was pretty gratifying, I must say. Well... time to go see if my phone charged, and if I still have the nerve...
You know, I may not, and it'll just end up that I'll be deleting this entire post so that nobody can see my failure :XD:

(Another two minutes later...)

Dang it... I get up the nerve to see if she wants to hang out and it rang to voicemail.

Aw well, maybe when(if) she calls back I'll still be able to.

I do appreciate what you've done DoorM4n. You encouraged me to do something that I've bene unable to do for.. what is it now? 4 years? 5 years? I can't remember anymore. Just got some bad luck I guess :lol: But seriously, write some more, keep me motivated.

I'll update in case she calls back.

Re: The Key to Success

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 5:04 am
by DoorM4n
Thank man! I am motivated by your comment. :D I am glad you enjoyed it and I hope that it makes a respectable difference in your life.

Ask her to hang out, though. Life is about opportunities and if you were to lose this opportunity then you may be regretting it for the rest of your life. Besides, it's life. It's an adventure. Basically, your adding onto your story. At the end of our lives, we will be telling our story to people. Do you want to have that regret on your chest and possibly lose the greatest feature in your story because your relationship may have grew into something much larger? Make your story unique and interesting. Unique in your own personal. :wink:

Re: The Key to Success

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:46 am
by NotZachary82
Oh My God.

I feel as if you have brain-washed me. Have you ever thought of being a motivational speaker in your future? :P

Re: The Key to Success

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:20 pm
by Rocky
I shall keep this in mind when school starts. Bad things happen to my mind there. I'll look forward to any additions you make :)

Re: The Key to Success | Update: 7-6-2008

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:15 pm
by Rocky
So Aumaan, what's the news?

Re: The Key to Success | Update: 7-6-2008

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:55 pm
by Aumaan Anubis
She didn't call back. I remember awhile ago she told me that she was going away for the summer for awhile, so that might be it. Or she didn't recognize the number... etc.

I'll probably call again, eventually.

Re: The Key to Success | Update: 7-6-2008

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:51 pm
by Tural
The key to success is fuck bitches, get money.

Re: The Key to Success | Update: 7-6-2008

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 8:14 am
by Supermodder911
Tural wrote:The key to success is fuck bitches, get money.

Re: The Key to Success | Update: 7-6-2008

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 6:14 pm
by Dragonfire
Tural wrote:The key to success is fuck bitches, get money.
Wow, do u need a life :roll:

Re: The Key to Success | Update: 7-6-2008

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 9:32 am
by neodos
I finnaly read it, its great yet not enough for, i should start thiking like that but the setting goals thing in life seems too mechanical to me, so i generaly just take time to decide things and achieve goals or get too bored of trying to achieve it, keep writing its kewl ^^

Re: The Key to Success | Update: 7-6-2008

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:04 pm
by Tural
Dragonfire wrote:Wow, do u need a life :roll:
ITT: People don't understand a joke and reference.

Re: The Key to Success | Update: 7-6-2008

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:49 am
by Aumaan Anubis
Wooh. Called her, she answered.

We talked for like, 10 minutes, which was cool. Sorta got to catch up with everything.

She's doing RCP, which is like some type of acting job, which is sorta volunteer, but sort of pays her too. So we talked and stuff, and I asked her if she was still busy, like she had been during the year. She said she sorta was. I talked to her and asked if she wanted to hang out and she was like, "You mean tonight?" It's 9:30PM my time so I was sorta like... "uhhh, not really, I don't really have time." I don't know, she may be one of those people that would find that acceptable, like most teenagers I guess. I didn't really have a ride, either. Or maybe she thought that I was being crazy and wanted to hang out this late. She sorta had that tone in her voice.
So I asked if she could hang out any other time, and she mentioned not this weekend, or next week. I asked if "next week" included next weekend, and she said she wasn't sure. She told me a few times to call her later next week to see if she was free, so I guess that's a good sign. And I do emphasize that she told me more than once, which I find good :) She may not know her schedule, because I pretty much don't even know mine 'till I get it from my job.

So, if she was being honest and sincere, we should be hanging out sometime maybe next weekend, once I give her a call again.
But who knows, it may have been a polite brush off :P
I certainly hope not.

She an interesting girl. She actually has common sense(which seems to be rare these days), and she was painting when I called her. She said she got bored and found a blank canvas and just started.

Anyway, I'm probably rambling. Thanks DoorM4n :D

Re: The Key to Success | Update: 7-6-2008

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:54 am
by NotZachary82
:cry: :scared:

Re: The Key to Success | Update: 7-6-2008

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 4:00 am
by Aumaan Anubis
huh? That doesn't look good...

Re: The Key to Success | Update: 7-6-2008

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 6:58 am
by NotZachary82
The girl I want to talk to won't dare look at me. >_>


Re: The Key to Success | Update: 7-6-2008

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:39 am
by Dragonfire
NotZachary82 wrote:The girl I want to talk to won't dare look at me. >_>


Nice job Aumaan! :D Keep going :D

Re: The Key to Success | Update: 7-6-2008

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:17 am
by DoorM4n
NotZachary82 wrote:The girl I want to talk to won't dare look at me. >_>

I have advice for you.

In that particular situation, look at YOUR perspective from a wise friend's view. Basically, look at your problem from another person's view.

Remember, no situation in this world is a problem. All situations are opportunities until you think there is a problem. Problems don't exist anywhere else except in your head. Opportunities are everywhere. :wink:

Re: The Key to Success | Update: 7-6-2008

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:42 pm
by Aumaan Anubis
DoorM4n, have you read The Secret ?

Re: The Key to Success | Update: 7-6-2008

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:58 pm
by DoorM4n
Nope. I have heard about it, though. It explains my theory pretty well. John Darling read it and said that it displayed a message that he didn't agree with. I may read it, though. :)

Have you read it?

Re: The Key to Success | Update: 7-6-2008

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:01 pm
by OwnZ joO
People on here have been told you to be a motivational speaker, which you probably could do easily do. But you will have to do something to get some credibility first.

My football coach is a great example of this. 2 years ago, we were down 21 to zip at half time in the quarter finals of state. He told the whole team we were still in the game and could win it, we just had to go out there and give it our best and play like men. You know what happened, we held them to negative yardage in the second half and won the game in 5 overtimes. We didn't even score until the 4th quarter, but everyone believed him, because he established himself as a credible source over the past couple of years(been in the semi finals of state the last like 8 years and won it twice along with runner up 3 times).

I'm not saying that's what you want to do with your life, but if you do hopefully you establish yourself as successful before writing books and touring with speeches. You can be a great motivator, as you seem to be, but if nobody sees you as successful, only people you already know will listen to you.

Re: The Key to Success | Update: 7-6-2008

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 2:10 am
by Aumaan Anubis
DoorM4n wrote:Have you read it?
I am reading it at the moment.

Its main message is that your thoughts create and modify the world around you.

For instance, you can say to yourself, I want twenty five thousand dollars, unexpected income, in the next 30 days.

And due to the message of the book, it should happen.

The main thing is that you have to fully believe, completely believe that it will happen, or has happened. According to the book, your thoughts send signals into the universe, and it responds due to your thoughts. You pretty much have to imagine that you actually have the money.

Here's an example.

To get out of debt, most people have "plans" that will get them out of debt, and they hardly ever work. The book says that you should focus on everything you have, and believe that you have so much money, and you will supposedly attract more.
You should point at everything you see and be like, "I can afford that. I can afford that, and that, and that." And eventually, you will be able to afford everything.

However, if you think about how far into debt you are, and you keep thinking about how to get out of debt, you will attract more debt.

I think you should read it, I personally am finding it a good read.

Re: The Key to Success | Update: 7-6-2008

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:04 am
by DoorM4n
Aumaan Anubis wrote:
DoorM4n wrote:Have you read it?
I am reading it at the moment.

Its main message is that your thoughts create and modify the world around you.

For instance, you can say to yourself, I want twenty five thousand dollars, unexpected income, in the next 30 days.

And due to the message of the book, it should happen.

The main thing is that you have to fully believe, completely believe that it will happen, or has happened. According to the book, your thoughts send signals into the universe, and it responds due to your thoughts. You pretty much have to imagine that you actually have the money.

Here's an example.

To get out of debt, most people have "plans" that will get them out of debt, and they hardly ever work. The book says that you should focus on everything you have, and believe that you have so much money, and you will supposedly attract more.
You should point at everything you see and be like, "I can afford that. I can afford that, and that, and that." And eventually, you will be able to afford everything.

However, if you think about how far into debt you are, and you keep thinking about how to get out of debt, you will attract more debt.

I think you should read it, I personally am finding it a good read.
Exactly! It mentions how your thoughts are vibrations and affect everything. I love the entire concept. And yes, the key is exactly what William James described. "Only then you must really wish these things and wish them with exclusiveness and not wish one hundred other incompatible things just as strongly." There is also a film, too. I think I downloaded it a few months ago. I may watch it. If you have the time, I suggest highlighting parts in the book that you like. You could have an entire page highlighted if you find it to be special. Just highlight. If you have any interesting bits from the book that you may think that we will find interesting, feel free to post. Advice is as beautiful as a symphony in my ear.
OwnZ joO wrote:You can be a great motivator, as you seem to be, but if nobody sees you as successful, only people you already know will listen to you.
I loved your message here. Success factor is a HUGE element in motivational speaking. I am going to make another goal and begin now.