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Bungie Announcement Speculation

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 2:42 am
by Aumaan Anubis
As most, if not all, of us, have seen Bungie's home page.

And of recently, it has been edited...

Needless to say, I am pissed.

Because I am rather angry, I am inclined to think that it may be a hoax. For instance, the timer stopped at exactly 12:00:00

Also, the messages on the front included, "Expect Delays..."

And stuff like that.

Anyway, I'd like to see if there's any speculation on whether it's a hoax, or not. Speculation on what their project is is also welcome.

Re: Bungie Announcement Speculation

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:02 am
by JacksonCougar

Re: Bungie Announcement Speculation

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:29 am
by Remnant Samurai
ive been looking at it lately and seeing all the threads and that and watching the webcams the timer would have counted down to 2 in the morning for me so im gonna wait and see what happens

Re: Bungie Announcement Speculation

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:15 am
by Yamagushi
Your just going to let urself down... Bungie has spoken about it. Its not a hoax and bungie is just as mad as you are.

Re: Bungie Announcement Speculation

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:55 am
by Tural
God fucking damn people are stupid.
At least half a dozen people, both Bungie staff and Microsoft staff, confirmed it to a bunch of media sources. Hoaxing on their site is one thing, they are not lying to the mass media. If you think they would do something so stupid, then you are probably so far in denial that you're willing to lie to yourself and push away any logic and decency that is being presented just to further your own stupid idea. The fucking timer isn't accurate, they just stopped it at a round number, not the number it was at. The memo was posted at an hour mark, meaning the timer would have had 7 minutes on it if they had stopped it when they updated the page. The timer was changed to a generic number to signify its insignificance. What time does a timer flash before it's set? 12:00. They stopped it there because it is generic, not because it is significant. It is designed to not cause speculation, and yet you can twist it into that. Luke, Achronos, KP, madmax, and several others confirmed it to HBO, X3F, Kotaku, NeoGAF, Joystiq, the fans, the forums, and so on. It's not a fucking lie. They specifically point out that they would never abuse their fans' trust like this. Cleverly removing or changing things is one issue, but blatantly lying to the faces of people, lying directly to the media, and everything else, is not for fucking fun. I can't believe you would be so diluted as to listen to the bullshit crackpot theories of other people who strive for a bigger explanation. They're pissed too, and they made it very clear they were very, very unhappy in IRC channels. They're not fucking with you, they just aren't. You cannot lie to hundreds of thousands of people, to the media, to your fans, and expect them to forgive you. Bungie doesn't fuck around like that. Seriously, you have to be pretty ignorant to believe they would do it. I can't even really express how retarded the theory is in words. It's so dumb that I wish I could kill people perpetuating it so they may never have a chance to be stupid again. They took down all of the teaser shit, from Halo 3 and They are not pulling all of the plugs for a joke.

<madmax> Bungie doesn't go and flat out deny things, or lie, or anything
<madmax> this is a letter from our President to the fans; it is as straight laced as they come
<madmax> Nomi, we've been teasing this for the last few months, only to have it cancelled at the 11th hour
<madmax> well, 12th
<Compton> I just wonder if some time down the road from now if we will find out why it got pulled at the last minute.
<madmax> Compton: I doubt it, sadly
<madmax> I would tell everyone right now
<madmax> but I'd get fired
<MrSprout> I don't have a problem with it, BS or not. I'm just saying Bungie like to do this kind of thing... which is fine... they just shouldn't be so surprised when people react with skepticism.
<madmax> we aren't surprised Sprout, just telling you that it's not a joke, and were sorry and disappointed
<traf> madmax, you are bungie?...
<madmax> yes
<madmax> well no
<madmax> I am a Bungie Employee
<madmax> not the whole fucking studio

<~KP> i'm a part of an unnamed party [Microsoft] in that message and i'm pretty well aware that it's not a game.
<~KP> the letter is literal
<~KP> they were cockblocked
<~KP> bungie had the best intentions.

Sketch: Sadly, this is not a hoax or a stunt. Granted we didn't get the news exactly at 7pm, that was a convenient time to post the update and call off the countdown. Perhaps that is what is making it seem fake. In any case, it's real and it's a bummer. Sorry to rain on the parade

They stopped it at 12 and posted at 7 so the stupid people wouldn't try to make sense of the random numbers, thinking it was a hoax. You'd think it was fucking fake if it was accurate and you think it's fake when it's designed to avoid you speculating and getting your hopes up when they are serious. People are so damn insane and desperate.

If you're so dense that you would completely reject logic and confirmation not only from all of the Bungie staff, from Bungie's president, but from Microsoft employees too, the people who caused this, then you have some serious issues.

I'm not up for arguing with any retard, so don't bother. If you're fucking dumb and willing to ignore all of the evidence, history, logic, confirmation, proof, and whatever else in front of you, keep it to yourself.

Here. Newly appointed general manager of Microsoft Game Studios Phil Spencer:
We focused the E3 event on games that are coming this holiday, from a first-party perspective. If you look at the games we talked about in the briefing, the games that you will see – Banjo, Viva Pinata, Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Lips, Scene It – these are all games that you're going to see this fall. That was the decision we made – we did the same thing last year, if you'll remember – to try and really introduce people to the games as they come towards completion, we'll show them what we have and what is coming. The relationship to Bungie and the projects that we're working on together – we don't have anything to announce today – but it's in our plans.

Confirmation. This was said hours before Bungie announced the cancellation. This E3 is about games this year, that is why it was shut down. Here is your 10th source of confirmation. How many people have to prove it before people believe it?


Re: Bungie Announcement Speculation

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:39 am
by neodos

This reminds me some things....

Wait and see...

Re: Bungie Announcement Speculation

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:56 am
by DemonicSandwich
Tural wrote:<~KP> they were cockblocked
That made me chuckle. :lol:

Re: Bungie Announcement Speculation

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:26 am
by Remnant Samurai
i got like half way through Turals post but i get what hes saying.. (i think?)

Re: Bungie Announcement Speculation

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:39 pm
by Tural
It isn't fake. They really aren't announcing.

That is what I'm saying.

It is times like this I fucking hate any site where people fanboy out for fucking Halo. God damn. The answer is not there. BUNGIE DID NOT PUT THE ANSWER OUT FOR PEOPLE TO FIND. They built hype, not gave it away and ruined their reveal. There is no fucking answer as to what it is, you are wasting time and making yourself look dumb by pushing stupid theories when there is no information to support them. GOSDGHAU A%$+Q%QW$*QQQQ$ DUMB THERE IS NO ANSWER

Re: Bungie Announcement Speculation

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:14 pm
by neodos
Yeah you too..

Re: Bungie Announcement Speculation

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:16 pm
by Tural
You're the worst troll. :roll:

Re: Bungie Announcement Speculation

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:43 pm
by neodos
Maybe but i don't care to say whatever i think, you were trolling too about people's speculations, so you are loosing your time too, just saying that, but i agree with you they simply canceled the announcement there's nothing hidden like the others viral ads.

Re: Bungie Announcement Speculation

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:48 pm
by Tural

Re: Bungie Announcement Speculation

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:26 pm
by DoorM4n
After reading most of this thread I conclude:
1) Tural is bipolar
2) Bungie did something but I am actually not even sure what they did or didn't do
3) Everyone is disappointed towards Bungie


Re: Bungie Announcement Speculation

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:29 pm
by Tural

Re: Bungie Announcement Speculation

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:14 am
by Yamagushi wrote:Here is the truth about what is really going on with Bungie and Microsoft at E3.

Bungie is developing a new Halo action game and since they separated from Microsoft they have licensed the Halo brand from Microsoft who is going to publish the game. Bungie had a sixty second knock’em down teaser trailer made that was going to unveil the game and it was going to be the close to Microsoft media keynote at E3. This was going to be followed up by Bungie doing their separate press event later on in the week on Wednesday to show off the new game.

Keep in mind that I am talking about a possible third Halo game in the works that is separate from Microsoft and Peter Jackson’s Halo : Chronicles or Ensemble Studio’s Halo Wars.

However the Microsoft executive that was in charge of their show at E3 is Don Mattrick and apparently there is some possible drama going on behind their evolving relationship with the now independent Bungie. The only person above Don Mattrick in Xbox is Robbie Bach then the chain of command goes to Steve Balmer and the board of directors. Don ordered the new Bungie Halo game to be cut from the E3 briefing at the last moment and essentially gag ordered Bungie from showing the game off that week. Don didn't want a non-Microsoft studio game to overshadow all of the Microsoft Studio developed games. He then went on to make a little quip about having an E3 breifing that was not all about Halo. This is sort of like inviting someone to the prom and leaving them at home at the last minute while they can’t get another date.

There is no Halo themed media event that is currently on the calendar. Bungie has been working towards a big media push about this game with the unveiling of the Superintendent character and they have been trying to build a buzz within their fanbase.

Microsoft’s has never really explained why they prevented Bungie from going on with their media event on Wednesday at E3. It has to be a new Halo game since if it was an new IP Microsoft would not have their hands on the control of the brand and would not have had the power to silence Bungie about it. So soon Bungie and Microsoft will come to terms about when and how Microsoft is going to unveil this new Bungie developed Halo game and then show it to the public. As in any healthy relationship communication and honestly is the key.

Re: Bungie Announcement Speculation

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:46 pm
by Rocky
Bungie got dumped before prom so microsoft could go on a date with itself :scared: