Custom Events in C#

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Custom Events in C#

Post by Click16 »

Hey everyone! Today I will be showing you how to create and use your own events.

Have you ever wanted your own event? Something to occur when something happens? Well, Today I will be showing you how to do just that. Lets get to it!

You will need knowledge of Delegate voids, Event calling / throwing, some basic skills.

Section 1 - Ready your project.

I will be using a custom control for this, so I will need my Windows Forms Project and a class library.
In your class library, Add these references:


You don't need all of them, but you might want to add those references so you don't get lost somewhere.

Add your Class library as a reference for Form1. This will make it easier to access and edit our control from a different project.

Now let's inherit a control for our class library.

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namespace Event
    public class CustomControl : Control
That is My inheritance of a Control.

Create these regions:

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public class CustomControl : Control
        #region Regions
        #region Events
        #region Properties
        #region Constructor
        #region Methods
That should be it for Customization.

Section 2 - Declaring our Event

In the Events region, create these three regions:
Public Event Handlers
Public Events

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public class CustomControl : Control
        #region Events
        #region Public Event Handlers
        #region Public Events
Lets Start with the Constructor.

Under the Constructor Region type this

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public <ClassName>()
Mine looks like so:

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public CustomControl()
Now lets create the Handler.

In the Event Handler region type this.

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#region Public Event Handlers
        //String being Used
        public string NewString;
        //Delegate Void
        public delegate void StringChangedHandler(string StringText);
That should cover your event handler. We now need to make the event. Go to the events region and add this code:

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#region Public Events
        //Public Event
        public event StringChangedHandler StringChanged;
        //Public String
        public string TextString
            get { return this.NewString; }
                //Setting the String
                this.NewString = value;
                //Making sure it is not null
                if (this.StringChanged != null)
                    //Setting the event
Basically, you could figure out how to replace the certain things with your own objects.

Please, download the Video Results. (I thought it would be easier to make a video.)
Video Results for the Program.
(1.97 MiB) Downloaded 530 times
Also, Download the Source!
The Source Code for this Application. Includes the Windows.FormsApplication Project, and the ClassLibrary project.
(45.33 KiB) Downloaded 460 times
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