Two Easy Program Requests

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Two Easy Program Requests

Post by DoorM4n »


Requesting a program makes me feel icky for some reason--probably because I know almost nothing about programming. So I hope it's cool that I request a couple programs to really simplify two very lengthy processes that any custom map maker will face at some time. The programs should be very simple to code...I think.

Team Spawns
Refer to this tutorial: ... eam+spawns
I think a great program would be one that lists all of the player spawns and their coordinates by chunk, and in a separate window of the program, shows whether it is a team spawn point or not and which team is a part. This way, I can have it on top of the entity bsp viewer and I can go to that coords in entity bsp viewer and organize my team spawns according to the team spawn program. It would make the process so much easier I think. If there is a work around that doesn't need a program, I am all ears!!

Netgame Equipment Chunk Saver
Refer to this tool:
I submitted this to Jacksoncougar in his thread, but I don't want to pressure him if he is busy. Jacksoncougar made an awesome app a while ago that copies chunk coords and rotations from a range of chunks. You can basically implement them into any set range. It was a fantastic way to cut down on a VERY time consuming process. The only downside to his app was that it didn't have netgame equipment and the chunk range was limited to 55 (I think). I believe the program was created before the unlimited chunk scenario trick. Would it be possible for someone to implement or program a netgame equipment chunk saver? ALSO, and this is important, is it possible to make it so the chunk ranges are saved and can be placed over any crate, netgame, machine, or scen placement? I did some testing in the netgame and realized my chunks are better served in the mach placement. Copying the XYZ and YPR of over 100 trees from netgame to mach will take ages. I could redo the process but I spent 4hrs perfecting something that froze immediately. :x :x :x
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Re: Two Easy Program Requests

Post by CaptainPoopface »

I have used autohotkey to automate setting spawns before. It's a quasi-programming language intended to automate keystrokes. What I would do is get the coords for six or so biped spawns, then write an autohotkey script to randomly choose from them and randomize the yaw. The script would "type" each of the values into Entity and save. So setting 100 player spawns would take about 30 seconds, once I knew what they were. You could use a similar process to write all the spawns to a file, and in another map or reflexive, read the values from the file and type them in. Pretty hacky though. It's just automating keystrokes and mouse clicks. Not as elegant as a real program.

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Re: Two Easy Program Requests

Post by Click16 »

If all you need for the team spawns is a list of the spawns, with the XYZ and the team name, expect that in like an hour
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Re: Two Easy Program Requests

Post by DoorM4n »

Thanks for the mass spawn changer, Click! This is REALLY helpful. You made my life so much easier, and others will find this incredibly useful also. I've attached it here, but im sure youll be interested in making a thread in the utilities for it.
Team Spawn List.rar
Click's Mass Spawner App
(14.63 KiB) Downloaded 308 times
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