How to add a AI respawn script (original title in-post)

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How to add a AI respawn script (original title in-post)

Post by xXF3RcHoXx »

.:: How to add a AI respawn script (before rebuilding) when H2Guerilla puts violence in your heart ::.

-Script Tools by Soldier of Light
-Another program running that is using the 60% of RAM and Processor


Well, you open your .scenario file in H2Guerilla, then you click "Tools -> Script Tools" and... for some reason, the app closes automatically after 1 second and you got a attack on the heart, well, i know how to fix it:

1.- Open your another program that is using at least 60% of your RAM and Processos, a video converter is the most likely that uses all your processor, then make it running and working, i have ConvertXtoDVD app (it uses 96% of my processor :D)

2.- Open H2Guerilla and then your .scenario file, your computer will be slow, but it fixes the problem, then after a few more seconds, click "Tools -> Script tools" then, you need to be faster, at the highest speed you can get at mouse and clicking, click "add new" giant button and when the script compiler window is open, fastly click "File -> Save" then H2Guerilla will close, but when you have at least one script, you can have all you want.

3.- You have 1 script chunk, it is all we need, now close your running app and enjoy the speed again :D, open your .scenario file again in H2Guerilla, then scroll down until you see "Scripts" then click on the "+" simbol at the left, then click "copy" button and then "Insert" button, it will duplicate your existing script, you can click "insert" button all the required times until you have all scripts you need, then click "File -> Save" and close H2Guerilla

4.- Rebuild your map with H2Core, then open "Script Tools" app with your map,
-You should see a few "new - stub" scripts, then click "Map -> Decompile All" and save it to a location you'll remember, then open the NotePad and edit the scripts on there, then save the changes to the NotePad, Openagain your map in Script Tools app and click "Map -> Compile All" then open your NotePad you modified and done, the GUI will not refresh, you need to close the app and open again

Thats all!

-You can download "Script Tools" (by Soldier of Light) at -> Halo 2 Xbox -> Utilities, it is s sticky

-This tutorial is not very useful, but it will help people who have that problem (i have that problem when i was adding respawn scripts on Cold Winder)
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