How to Change The Spawn Point of Almost Anything

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How to Change The Spawn Point of Almost Anything

Post by Dragonfire »

Author: xgamer
Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007
Thread: Halomods Forums

Welcome to my Five Star Tutorial, here I will explain to you how to change the spawn point of most things in any map, but for this tutorial, I will use the example of the map Relic.

First off, Download Entity Alpha, found on the Utilities Section of forums.halomods

Then open Entity Alpha and open up your map.

Then on the left hand side will be a bunch of tags, click the plus symbol the next to the tag that says "sbsp."

A sub-folder will pop up below the tag, click it

Then on the upper right hand corner of Entity Alpha, click Image

Then Click Raw Editor

The BSP Viewer (what you use to change spawn points in the 3-D environment)

A window should pop up in a few seconds, but nothing will be in it at first, just wait about a few or a dozen seconds for the map to appear. For some maps, all you see is black instead of the map, I'll tell you what to do about that after a few steps.

Now you have a set of controls on your key board and your mouse that control movement and view in the BSP viewer, and here they are:


1) Left Click: Hold it down and drag your mouse, it will rotate your camera in any direction. *If you all you see is black when you load your map in the BSP viewer, use these keys to look around, you were probably looking at the black, endless void, instead of the map thats probably behind the camera, just turn around using the your Left Click.*


1) W, A, S, D, keys on your key board are arrow keys, which move your camera forward, backwards, or sideways as appose to which direction you are currently looking at.

2) X, Z keys will move your camera up and down the x-axis

3) The regular arrow keys (up, down, left, right) will control the spawn point of any object you click on. You just click on it, and you can move it freely.

4) The Page Up and Page Down keys will control the x-axis of the object you click on, so that you can but stuff on top of buildings or anywhere you wish.

There are four Menus in the BSP viewer, they are located at the top left.

Click the menu "Visible Spawns." This every option in it will give you the ability to see the things that were placed on the map, besides the map itself, for example, vehicles, players, spawn points, some parts of buildings.

To be able to edit the spawn point of vehicals, weapons, grenades, just click "Collections" on the Visible Spawns menu. To select the the object you see, click it, to deselect, click it again
To be able to edit play spawns, click "Players" on the same menu.

To be able to edit some structures of the map that were added on to the map (aka mach), you click on "Machine" on the same Menu, but beware, if you move the spawn point of the things related in "Machine," people who play your map through another xbox by system link, or anything else, won't see that you changed the spawn of it, they would see it as it was originally, i don't know why but it just happens, to fix that, you need to do a more advanced tutorial involving "Chuck Cloner." Here is the tutorial link:

To be able to move where oddballs, flags, king of the hill, and assault spawns, you need to click "Objective" on the same menu. You can also change the spawn point of where you need to score the flag, or the bomb (assault).

To be able to view the scenery of the map, which includes plants, some pieces of structures sometimes, and small things added to the map to make it "decorated," click "Scenery" on the same menu.

*Options: Weapon, Equipment, ItemCollection, and Vehical are not used.

*Features and Shortcuts on moving Spawn Points for convenient purposes: Click on Edit Menu, there will be 3 options:

1) "Select All" will select all of the objects that you are currently viewing through the Visible Spawns Menu. Example: If you click Collections and Players on the Visible Spawns Menu and then you click Select All on the Edit Menu, All of the spawns for Collections (composed of vehicals, weapons, grenades) and Player's spawns will be selected at the same time.

2) "Move All Spawns Here" is used to bring together all the spawns you select into one spot, usually used so that everyone spawns in the same spot. Example: Select only the Players option on the Visible Spawns Menu (shows all the players), then click on one player spawn and move it to where you want all spawns to be. Then click "Move All Spawns Here." Then all the spawns go to the spawn you selected.

3) "First Selected Spawn" shows you the first spawn you selected, no brainer lol.

The File Menu will save your work, make sure every time you move a spawn, save it. Don't just save your map after you moved around all the spawns you needed to.

The View Menu allows you to see the map through different perspectives, but Entity BSP viewer only has one, so you can't even Change it. If you ever used the map viewer for halo pc, you would know, because you can see wire frame, textured, dotted, and like 3 other kinds of views.

After your done, save your work on the File Menu, then you can close Entity Completely, Then just resign your map and your ready to Play!

Last edited by Dragonfire on Mon Sep 15, 2008 12:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: How to Change The Spawn Point of Almost Anything

Post by Gary »

Please Remove the quote Tags:
give Credit: Just put these tags at the begging of the post, do not quote the original as that is just annoying to look at...
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