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AI Zones In ~ BSP Conversion ~

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:16 am
by Click16
Hello welcome to my tutorial on how to successfully add AI into a Multi-player map with a BSP Conversion.

A few notes before we can get started:
1. This has a VERY HIGH chance of not working the first time.
2. Even if you follow the tutorial WORD FOR WORD it still may not work.
3. If you tried 10 + times and still doesn't work, H2Core and H2Guerilla hate your computer!
5. If you don't care about your computers specs, this can take a LONG TIME.
6. Set H2Core and H2Guerilla's Priority to Real Time. (In the task manager, under the processes tab. Right click H2C or H2G and set the priority.)

Here is what my computers specs are:

Lets get started!

What you will need:

H2Core + H2Guerilla Download them here. I DO NOT take credit for this!!!
Entity 1.3.9

Section 1 - De compiling you Single Player Map

1. Open a single player map that has the BSP you want in it in H2Core.
2. Go to the top, select "Map>Decompile."

THIS MAY TAKE 5 Minutes - 1 Hour depending on your computer.
I Recommend closing all other programs in the BACKGROUND. (You don't have to close Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.)

Luckily it shows a message box showing the time it took to De compile the map.
My map is Old Mombasa, it took 0 Hours, 6 Minutes, and 44 Seconds.

Section 2 - De compiling the Multi-player Map

1. Open your multi player map in H2Core. (Preferably Bevercreek because it has never messed up a BSP conversion. Unless I did something stupid!)
2. Go to the top, select "Map>Decompile."
Again, THIS MAY TAKE 5 Minutes - 1 Hour depending on your computer.
I Recommend closing all other programs in the BACKGROUND. (You don't have to close Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.)
It took me _ Hours, 2 Minutes, and 26 Seconds
Don't close H2Core. (You wont need access to the map so you do not have to close it)

Section 3 - Converting the BSP

1. Open H2Guerilla.
2. Go to: File > Open. go to Tags/H2/Scenarios/multi/(your mp map name / halo/(your mp map name)/(your mp map name).scenario
3. Maximize the window. (your map's scenario window.) Scroll down and locate 'Structure BSPS'
4. Click the button that has the 3 dots next to "Structure BSP"
Go to: Tags/H2/Scenarios/solo/(your sp map name)/(your sp bsp).bsp
5. Click the button that has the 3 dots next to "Light Map" Go to: Tags/H2/Scenarios/solo/(your sp map name)/(your sp bsp).lightmap
6. Go to the top, Select: File > Save. If it errors then re-do everything up to this step again but use CLEAN MAPS.
7. Click 'OK'

Section 4 - Adding the AI

1. Restore the Multi-Player Scenario window. Open the Single Player map's scenario. (The one that you De compiled.)
2. Go to the top, select: 'Windows' > 'Tile Horizontal'
3. In the Single - Player Scenario Copy the following and paste them into the Multi - Player map's Scenario.
How to do:
In the SP (Single - Player) Scenario find the Biped Palette and click Copy All next to the chunks.
In the MP (Multi - Player) Scenario find the Biped Palette and click Insert next to the chunks.

Do this to these chunks:

Biped Palette
Vehicle Palette
Weapons Palette
AI Squad Types
AI Squads
AI Encounters
AI Zones
AI Triggers (Unknown 11)

4. Go to the top. Select: 'File' > 'Save'
5. you can close the SP Scenario. Maximize the MP Scenario window.
IF you want your AI to re spawn, go to: Editors > Script Tools
Click 'Add New' and copy this and paste it in:
(Thanks to GrimDoomer for the re spawn script)

Code: Select all

(script continuous YourSquadName
   (sleep_until (<= (ai_living_count yoursquadname) 0) 450)
   (ai_place yoursquadname)
Change "your squad name" to what the name of your AI squad is. (you will need more then one script if your using more then one squad.)

(I won't use the script)

Save changes after you compile the script.

Section 5 - Rebuilding the map

1. Close H2Guerilla. Restore H2Core.
2. Go to the top and select: 'Map' > 'Rebuild'
3. Press the '...' button next to rebuild. Locate 'Tags/'H2'/'Scenarios'/'Multi'/('your mp map' or 'halo'/'your mp map')/'your mp map.scenario'

Check in "Keep Existing Spawns" Click Rebuild.

Give the application 3 minutes - 1 Hour to rebuild. (It takes about 1 - 5 minutes for me and i have one gig of RAM.)

Section 6 - AI Spawning

1. Open your map in Entity.
2. To test if your map is broken, try loading the BSP in the BSP viewer. If it errors then you have to redo the rebuild. If it still errors, then you have to redo EVERYTING!
If it loads, continue on.
3. Go to the meta editor in the scenario. Find where it says: AI Squads. Check in MP Respawn Enabled. Change the team color to anything you want. Change the # of AI that spawn on easy And legendary. Change the Character to whatever you want. Null AI Orders Index. Change the X, Y, And Z locations to where you want them to spawn. (Use the bsp viewer.)
4. Under AI Zones, Change the radius to 300. Repeat for as many squads you want.

Sign FTP Test

Re: AI Zones In ~ BSP Conversion ~

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:22 am
by NotZachary82
Looks just like Grimdoomer's tutorial, but whatever. BTW, the respawn value in the script doesn't have to be 450, you can change it to whatever you want, say, 600, which would be about 30 seconds.

Re: AI Zones In ~ BSP Conversion ~

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:24 am
by Click16
NotZachary82 wrote:Looks just like Grimdoomer's tutorial, but whatever. BTW, the respawn value in the script doesn't have to be 450, you can change it to whatever you want, say, 600, which would be about 30 seconds.
Well i just quoted grim's script... i don't know how to script for halo 2. (And i dont feel like learning.

Re: AI Zones In ~ BSP Conversion ~

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:43 pm
by xXF3RcHoXx
AI zones in a BSP Conversion are not a very hard thing, did u see Cold Winder? and it work the FIRST TIME i tried and i'm not a 1337 modder, and i'm not a professional modder, i started it after done very stupid mods, the only thing you need to do is transfer AI zones, unknown11, AI encounters, weapon pallete, vehicle pallete (if you want), characters, AI squad types and AI squads (on h2guerilla), then just swap the bsp with the bsp you want, and thats all!!! i'm not flaming you, i'm just saying the things like it are, i need to give the thanks to Eaton for his bsp conversions tutorial, i tried add AI by myself without reading any tutorial ;D

Anyways, this is useful for beginner people
and AI on a BSP Conversion works better than on a MP map, because you have working zones and AI orders index, and the AI do not get stucked trying to overpass through a wall or something lol

And, setting the AI respawn scripts, the respawn time is setup in frames per second, here a re a example:

30 = 1 second
60 = 2 seconds
90 = 3 seconds
120 = 4 seconds
150 = 5 seconds (the most default respawn time)
and... well... 600 = 20 seconds, every human will get bored until AI respawn after that time :D
(just do this: [frames per second] / 30 = [seconds], example: 600 / 30 = 20)

See ya!