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Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:39 pm
by JacksonCougarMod
Competition Calendar:
Competition start: March 5th 2008
Competition end: March 23rd 2008
Judging period: March 23rd - 28th 2008
Announcement of winner(s):
March 29th 2008

- Bitmaps are not allowed to be greater than 512x512 pixels--no hi-res!
- Shader swaps are allowed, and even encouraged.
- Attachments, and other modifications, are allowed; this includes (but is not limited to):
lights (neon ground effects lights, headlights, ect)
lenses (this is what you see as the light "source", if you know what it is and want to use it go ahead)
sounds (New wheel sounds, engine sounds, horn sounds, anything really, just needs to be "appropriate")
attachments (you can swap out the turret attachment for new things: spare-tire is an example)
other (New markers, active shaders, effects, hovering warhog, ect anything goes)
- You MUST use the warthog for the base model. (obviously <_<)

- A panel of judges will be picked by popular demand, self nomination, or other.
- Judges will not be allowed to vote for their own work.
- Judges individual decisions are confidential, only the final result will be announced.

Submission: rules to submitting you entry, important!
- A superppf, or serenity, patch of your warthog on an un-modified classic map (Not a DLC map!)
- You must include at least one picture of your warthog (using Yelo)
- You need to include a short description of your skin, and explain the theme--if any--of it.
- You need to include a name for your warthog skin.


uber death warthog of d00m!
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Picture |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

This warthog is an uber death machine with spikes and blood. It supposed to be what a demon would want to play Halo in. Its really awesome because i have some crazy red neons under the hood! oh yea, and it leaves trails of blood when you dirve it!

- Bragging rights


Anyways; discuss!

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:42 am
by XZodia
am i allowed to enter past work? >_>

why not dlc?

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:52 am
by JacksonCougarMod
Err... yes, but try to make something new mb?

Also the reason for no DLC is because of judging...

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:18 am
by XZodia
:? who's judging that doesnt have dlc? (most importantly containment :P )

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:27 am
by JacksonCougar
I cans beat your snow hog ;p

I do not :\ But really, if you must go ahead :\

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 6:10 am
by JK-47
Sounds fun. I'll work on it.
Also, what happened to Razors competition? I'm close to being done with my submission, but I dunno if the competition is still open or not ;p

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 6:41 am
by neodos
Hehe great, so all this changes possibles i am going to do a skin, but when does this finish?

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:13 am
by JacksonCougar
2 weeks from now sound good? I don't think anybody needs too much time to come up with a good hog-skin ;p

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:04 am
by Remnant Samurai
my comp is still open i think but no one has posted anything lol

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:37 pm
by JK-47
Well you're at least going to get one :p

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:23 pm
by XZodia
JacksonCougar wrote:2 weeks from now sound good? I don't think anybody needs too much time to come up with a good hog-skin ;p
dunno about that >_>

my snow hog took about 3 years :P

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 4:55 am
by Gary
how about 3 or 4 weeks?
this sounds fun and i want to be a part of it, but i just found out a have a bot flood my internet(so i have No Internet).
I also hope my other skills come in handy for this Hog, because there going to have to make up for me not knowing how to Re-Model :'(

i posted this on ubuntu off live CD.... and sadly no modding tools work on ubuntu :'(

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 5:18 am
by JacksonCougar
The time will stay as it has been posted; I am sorry if this inconveniences people but its really a reasonable time period for such a small skin (compared to a bsp skin).

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 7:33 am
by JacksonCougar
Oh noes! my photoshop crapped out and now I need to reinstall it! So gay >_>

Does anybody know if adobe has good support for changing OS? What I mean is I am using a PC version but I plan on buy a Mac and am wondering if I will need to pay for a new Mac version :\ Just a though ;p

Anyways, I was wondering if I could get anybody who plans to submit a skin to post their intentions here so I can make a list of contestants ;p

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 3:19 pm
by NotZachary82
i fo sho will join, jackson. where do we post them? here?

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 7:30 pm
by JK-47
I'm in as well.

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 8:45 pm
by JacksonCougar
NotZachary82 wrote:i fo sho will join, jackson. where do we post them? here?
I had hoped you might make something new <_<

Post them here now if your lazy and want everyone to see what they need to beat. Or wait until the competition ends to post them here.

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:20 pm
by NotZachary82
i'll just post them in the skinning section ...

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:46 pm
by JacksonCougar
Hey just thought I'd throw out some tips, suggestions!

Since I never wrote a rule saying nay against working on the skin as a Team it would be perfectly alright for a couple of you to team up and tackle the project in chunks. :)

Also if you need any help with the skin or other technical stuff just ask me! This is supposed to be a fun event, something to motivate you to mod again :p

I can do things like make photoshop masks for you, help you with actually modding the warthog, or basically anything to do with this competition really :P
Remember, its supposed to be fun, the competition is just their to motivate people.

Do your best though! :p

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 1:53 am
by Gary
JacksonCougar wrote:The time will stay as it has been posted; I am sorry if this inconveniences people but its really a reasonable time period for such a small skin (compared to a bsp skin).
ok i understand, i hope i can make it in time.... i'm a good but slow modder...

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 4:42 pm
by JacksonCougarMod

Code: Select all

By: [b]Name[/b]

[size=150][b][ Warthog name ][/b][/size]
[ [i]Quote, motto, or headline (optional)[/i] ]

[size=150][ Preview Images ] [/size]

[size=150][ Description ][/size]
"text text text text text text text text text"

[size=150][ Download ][/size]- Download URL, or attachment -
A template for the lazy ones ;p

Whats it looks like:

By: Cougar

[ D00m ]
[ lolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolz ]

[ Preview Images ]
- :lol:
- :roll:
- :XD:

[ Description ]
"Runn'a Runn'a or this d00m hog will get you sucka!"

[ Download ]
- patch.serenity -

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:21 pm
by neodos
Who did a warthog skin?
I did mine but it would be lame to only be 2 persons that participates to the competition :|

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:36 pm
by NotZachary82
i was the only one that posted a hog skin, and mine sucked >_<

oh well, the competition ends today. who wins?

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 1:16 am
by XZodia
By: XZodia

[ Tread/Snow Hog ]

0wnz u allz :P

Re: Warthog Skinning Competition [Discussion]

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 2:08 am
by Remnant Samurai
xzodia is it possible with your snow hog to have foot effects like DarkShallFall made when you walk on the sand it would be cool to make tracks with it