Infection campaign

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Infection campaign

Post by Ogrish »

Infection Campaign

Goal: Create a flood army and take over the worlds, one level at a time.

So what if the Flood Actually killed and acsimilated the Master Chief.

This is my vision of what the campaign might have been like from the floods point of view if they would have won.

This is your chance to play as an Infected MC or possibly a flood juggie or other infected bipd.
Spawning flood forms to attack/kill/and reanimate dead bodies to be part of your army.

This will be a small campaign 3, or 4 levals probably with custom cinematics in between.

Ill need people for tags, models, skinning, hud, weapons, effects, sounds, on maps.

Ill need people for actors, and voices actors for the cinematics.

I will need someone to make a custom main menu.

I need a writer for the dialog story, and plot.

And a Director to make it all happen.

So far I have some ideas about how things should go but much is still to be figured out.

Ive already begun work on the different versions of the Bipd, Its weapons will most likly be a flood form spawning abuility that has a charging effect, and a lunging melea along with a high jump.
Weapons that are picked up will have to have bad aim but still be efective at close range, long range weapons wont be usable.

I need a way to try to set targets for the spawning flood forms, if this is possible.
I want them to attack the enamies in reticle but still infect any dead bodies.
All reanimated bodies will join your team.

If your interested in helping, pm me.

I will need Actors and voices actors for the Custom Cinematics and Ending.

I will also need help in these areas.
Writer for Story, plot, and dialog.
I will need A skinner, someone for help with tags, effects, hud, custom models for cinematics, sounds, A.I, Main menu,
And a scripter.

Im hoping several people will volunteer, if not i will hunt down the people i want for this.
Im not trying to discourage you newbies, but if you cant help, please dont volunteer.
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Re: Infection campaign

Post by kronosslayer »

I work well with weapon effects, and have some experience working with main menu widgets
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