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Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:19 pm
by DoorM4n
Just posted on halomods and got sent to reader's club? What is reader's club? Banned for 2 days? Meh, I still believe 75% of halomod's users should stop typing with authority and quit asking for blowjobs. Here is my post...Wow...they deleted it. It's pretty sad that they didn't even let me put in my 2 cents after a bunch of whiny kids talked trash.

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:25 pm
by Aumaan Anubis
Well, you obviously said something that should'nt've been said.

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:25 pm
by JacksonCougar
Two days >_>

I hate halomods...

What I mean by this is grimdoomer got perma ban based on somebodys interpretation of his post. He never deserved a ban at all.

I deserved my ban...

You deserved to get a warning, not a ban.

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:36 pm
by Grimdoomer
well I talked to some friends who are mods at HM and they explained it to who ever and i got off

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:39 pm
by DoorM4n
I wish I had the words that I typed...I would have loved to post them here. It was like...

All you guys who are sucking up to everyone..Grow a d*ck and be yourself. No one likes a bitch.
(wasn't that exactly, but it was pretty dirty)


I was laughing my ass off when I posted it. 8-)

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:43 pm
by XZodia
was that your post in emblem discussion?

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:13 am
by DoorM4n
No, it was in the Halo 2 Tutorial Section.

This is pro dude. Halomods...DoorM4n banned for life.
DoorM4n wrote:
I have a theory about life that I have developed over time...
"If don't like what somebody has done, do it yourself!"

Find faults in my theory? Fck off. I don't care. Not saying somebody can't make a better tutorial, but giving faults in something and without showing how to make it better isn't right. Either help him make a better one or keep your thoughts to yourself.

Oh, and to all you phonies, quit sucking d*ck. Be yourself. Nobody likes a ****. Rolling Eyes

Either congratulate him or don't say s*it...

Great job on this tutorial so far. I will be using it shortly and will post my thoughts.

*Watch this post get deleted or flamed*

Evading Swearing Filter. Showing an unnecessary opinion that others suck "***".

People are entitled to an opinion, if you don't like it, it is you that doesn't need to respond to it in such a way.

DoorM4n wrote:
What the hell is readers club? Oh, and you liked that post eh? It was directed toward staff like you and Tural. Straight up.

That just got you a permanent Readers Club here... We don't need comments like that, or the one above it.

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:19 am
by OwnZ joO
Yeah, people at HM are annoying a lot, they all act like they're moderators and you're just an idiot that joined yesterday.

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:28 am
by Aumaan Anubis
It's also appears as it's being flooded by new members. I've never seen so many posts in wrong places or asking for illegal products. Plus, all the, Joined: Today things that I see.

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:19 am
by neodos
lol we all are going to get banned, i never got and i did all that you could to to be banned XD

Luckly i understand how works people like Tural, but we should all modders stay on remnant, AND i am not going to release any mod or any tag at halomods anymore :)

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:28 am
by JacksonCougar
neodos wrote:lol we all are going to get banned, i never got and i did all that you could to to be banned XD

Luckly i understand how works people like Tural, but we should all modders stay on remnant, AND i am not going to release any mod or any tag at halomods anymore :)
W00t! Less clicks for cougar! XD

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:33 am
by JK-47
You got perma-RC'd Doorm4n?
Wow... That sucks :\

I mean, yeah you did say a few things RC worthy, but that was all your opinion I suppose.

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:00 am
by DemonicSandwich
Meh. Like I've said before, the "Readers Club" is a frig'n joke.

The only IP bans done anymore are bots and those who steal work.

That of which causes the all mighty RC to fail at its own rather vauge purpose.

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:24 am
by DemonicSandwich
>.< PSP ran out of text space. >.<

I do get quite the bit of amusment when HM staff try to "solve" a conflict. XD

User A: In my opinion, this tutorial sucks.
User 1: In my opinion, you suck.
HM Staff: BAN!!!

The HM staff's logic seems flawed to me. :?
-> How can you evade a word filter if it wasn't set to blank out the word anyway?
-> ...and if it did blank out the text, then you technically didn't evade anything.

<3 loopholes XD

I wanna see Tural solve this. :lol:

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 1:36 am
by DoorM4n
hahaha yeah I said some immature things and yeah I deserve being banned; however, I was voice my opinion in a very derogatory form. I love what you ahd said demonic...

"User A: In my opinion, this tutorial sucks.
User 1: In my opinion, you suck.
HM Staff: BAN!!!"

I really hate to see people suck up to others of higher "status". (However, I said a more direct form of sucking up XD ) I also really hate to see people abuse power and act as if they are some top notch shit. I don't know why "everyone" on HaloMods is trying to be so authoritative and act better than others. To me, if you aren't yourself, you aren't my friend. It really makes me sick to see others abuse and or suck up to others who show authority. Just part of life I suppose.
"People always want to be higher in society." :|

Ouch, I can't post my mods on Halomods anymore! That doesn't mean I can't post them on the front page... 8-)

Next mod will be released on the front page of Halomods. I simply want others to play what I made, you know? I hate makng mods and coming to find out not as many people play them as I had thought. :lol:

That is my nickel worth of info.

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 1:56 am
by DarkShallFall
Lets see here...

I had an opinion... You flamed, swear word evaded... Broke a signature rule not too long ago. Staff told me i should RC you for 2 weeks. I was nice and did it for 2 days(Just doing my job)..

I PM you as I should regularly telling you you were RC'd, and you will be removed in two days.

You turn the flame on staff, which is even more punishable... Staff help make the site better.. I dont agree with some decisions, but that is a rule... And you saying that I suck cock definately doesn't put me in a good mood. Oh hell no.

You were asked to stop PMing me, you kept PMing me with sarcasm, laughter, swear word evading.

You broke enough rules to get a perma-RC...

An RC sentence length is the Staff members choice who does it. I was being lenient and you decided to turn an arguement against me, and continue to break rules...

You definately deserved it... You could've said your post otherwise, but saying someone sucks dick, Continuing to post things like that, breaking rules, and continuing to post that someone sucks cock because you got punished by the because of your own stupid actions.... Its just childish...Then again, thats what you are... Its obvious... If you break rules, and get punished... Don't cry about it.

You could've handled this entire situation much better then you had. But you chose not to.


Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 1:56 am
by DarkShallFall
Lol he h4x me.

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:01 am
by JacksonCougar
Darkshallfall wrote:Lets see here...

I had an opinion... You flamed, swear word evaded... Broke a signature rule not too long ago. Staff told me i should RC you for 2 weeks. I was nice and did it for 2 days(Just doing my job)..

I PM you as I should regularly telling you you were RC'd, and you will be removed in two days.

You turn the flame on staff, which is even more punishable... Staff help make the site better.. I dont agree with some decisions, but that is a rule... And you saying that I suck cock definately doesn't put me in a good mood. Oh hell no.

You were asked to stop PMing me, you kept PMing me with sarcasm, laughter, swear word evading.

You broke enough rules to get a perma-RC...

An RC sentence length is the Staff members choice who does it. I was being lenient and you decided to turn an arguement against me, and continue to break rules...

You definately deserved it... You could've said your post otherwise, but saying someone sucks dick, Continuing to post things like that, breaking rules, and continuing to post that someone sucks cock because you got punished by the because of your own stupid actions.... Its just childish...Then again, thats what you are... Its obvious... If you break rules, and get punished... Don't cry about it.

You could've handled this entire situation much better then you had. But you chose not to.

:o ... He couldn't just make an account?

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:03 am
by DarkShallFall
Dont u use my xboxsoftmods account. Dont be a hippo.

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:04 am
by JacksonCougar
Darkshallfall wrote:Dont u use my xboxsoftmods account. Dont be a hippo.

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:06 am
by Supermodder911
Darkshallfall wrote:Lets see here...

I had an opinion... You flamed, swear word evaded... Broke a signature rule not too long ago. Staff told me i should RC you for 2 weeks. I was nice and did it for 2 days(Just doing my job)..

I PM you as I should regularly telling you you were RC'd, and you will be removed in two days.

You turn the flame on staff, which is even more punishable... Staff help make the site better.. I dont agree with some decisions, but that is a rule... And you saying that I suck cock definately doesn't put me in a good mood. Oh hell no.

You were asked to stop PMing me, you kept PMing me with sarcasm, laughter, swear word evading.

You broke enough rules to get a perma-RC...

An RC sentence length is the Staff members choice who does it. I was being lenient and you decided to turn an arguement against me, and continue to break rules...

You definately deserved it... You could've said your post otherwise, but saying someone sucks dick, Continuing to post things like that, breaking rules, and continuing to post that someone sucks cock because you got punished by the because of your own stupid actions.... Its just childish...Then again, thats what you are... Its obvious... If you break rules, and get punished... Don't cry about it.

You could've handled this entire situation much better then you had. But you chose not to.

I agree with DeToX 100%. He tried to be nice with you, then you go calling him names... Trust me when I say DeToX is a cool guy and wouldn't RC someone with unfair conditons, Friend or not. Being RC'd dosn't make you cool at all. Yea I know sometimes the Staff can be a bit unfair but if they don't there would be no forum to post in. DeToX is probably one of the best staff members Halomods has.

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:11 am
by DarkShallFall
I was DoorM4n's friend up to this incident. Think of that...

Everything he said to me I took lightly... Up till where he started insulting me directly...

Real mature of you to spread half of the story here... To make yourself look better than what you really are...

Be mature, if you get banned, don't cry to others about it.

Do me that one favor for old times sake...


Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:16 am
by DoorM4n
haha! I was laughing hysterically while reading that. That kid was crying that I was responding to his private messages! He shouldn't send me a pm, tell me my faults, and expect for me to sit in the corner like all the rest the kids on Halomods. Times are changing Detox. People are getting older and should start developing a sense of personality within themselves. It's about time people screw there heads on straight and be who they truly are. People who want authority on a pseudonym obviously don't get the respect they would like in their "true" situation.

Instead of trying to bitch at others about there faults, be the better man and encourage the others to proceed with what they are doing. It's called being respectful. You obviously don't respect others with less "authority" and so I find that a true character flaw.

Hell yeah I crossed the line by implying you suck. I agree that I deserve life ban from Halomods. However, what I can't agree with is how truly immature STAFF members can sit back and police the society while ganging up on others who voice their opinions in an obscure manner.

You STAFF members on Halomods have got dicks shoved so far up your bushes that you don't realize that people aren't LIKE YOU. Say all the derogatory statements you would like to me because I know I have had my fair share of rude comments. Seriously one gives a shit about who you are outside of Halomods. It's who you are at Halomods that reveals your inner personality and shows who you truly want to be.

People can call me an asshole or a motivator. I feel that I am a bit of both. An asshole to those who think are better than others, and a motivator to those who have just begun.

I would like to ask that you don't reply to this message because I don't want you to. Oh, and if you do...your getting sentenced to 1 year of Remnant Reader's club. That sound's familiar right?

...I thought so.

Oh might I add ol' chap. Aren't it so fun to be in arguments with people you will NEVER meet!? Adds a bit of spice to my nickname.

Edit: Might I add this as well. All those who want to befriend me because of my statements. Go ahead. I don't care. I understand that I have to be a dick sucker to be your friend...or maybe just crazy :lol: However, even though I don't care whether we are associates or not, my comments were toward DeTox and Tural. I felt like somebody had to speak up and tell them to their face what they were doing. I find it sad that they remove posts. I want others to enjoy reading about our arguments. However, it would be best if the only 2 arguing are the only 2 able to post in that thread. Making a legit conversation...

Cougar and I are ban mates!

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:31 am
by DarkShallFall
I don't ask anyone to suck up to me to be my friend. No one does of my friends... They just be themselves, and I am myself.

DoorM4n, if you hadn't removed that post, then your a fucking idiot... You aren't supposed to let threads go offtopic and have spam about 2 peoples problems with eachother... Thats what a PM is for...

You like to publicize shit because your a publicity rat. Thats what your doing now.

I wasn't crying, though its funny how you try to make things so dramatic.

I said "Stop PMing me".

All users have that right unless it be against a staff member, because they are staff for a reason.

You could say that to any user and they by rule have to stop.

I agree with how you bring modders together, but how you argue, and your view on staff is just rediculous. I don't agree with some decisions myself... But this one I feel was a fair one.

Your still the same immature DoorM4n that you were when you cried saying I wasn't your friend because I questioned something you did...

Want to be mature? Leave it here for people to judge for themselves.
