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Post by CaptainPoopface »

Can someone fill me in on the latest status of H2V modding? Even just meta edits would be nice, for starters, and the ability to clone chunks and inject tags would be just about all I'm looking for.
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Re: Status?

Post by troymac1ure »

Last thing I heard about H2V:
Kills_Alone wrote:Sent: December 27th, 2011, 2:12 am

Sure, I would be interested in the latest code that can open H2V maps.

Another H2MT member called Kantanomo got ahold of the Gravemind 1.3 source and made a version of Gravemind that can open more H2V maps then before. Then Kant took the knowledge and source from that project and has made Ambiguous; the first Real Time Editor for H2V. I am sure he would be more then willing to help you adapt Entity to support H2V if you ever feel inclined.

I read awhile back that you had little interest/experience working with H2V but as you know H2X developments have slowed to a stand still, so we would always welcome any help from your side of the street.

Just so you know a little about H2MT; we just like to map/mod and create fun stuff, we share all our source and have no time for big egos. Either way, I have used your app (Entity) a lot, so TY for updating it and saving me so much time, especially with the mesh export, even more so with the campaign mesh export.
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Re: Status?

Post by CaptainPoopface »

Hmmm... Thanks for the update. It's a little more bleak than I was hoping, but isn't that a familiar refrain...
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Re: Status?

Post by Kantanomo »

I've been working on my program Ambigious to do Chunck Cloning and tag Extraction/Injection, but i have little time lately to work on it and its hard as the code i have to read to help me figure it out is incomplete.
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