I have two main reasons for this:
- I think F-Zero X is one of the greatest games ever made
- I think this is a very under served genre
Q = Quantum, in reference to Quantum Levitation
To make it more likely that something actually gets made, I've decided to make it using Unity.
And in the unlikely event that it becomes popular in the future and I need more flexibility, I can always port it to a custom engine in the future.
The race tracks will be defined using Bezier curves and I already made a Bezier curve editor for Tick Tock Toys which I can adapt for this.
Tracks can go in any direction, left/right/up/down/loop/spiral etc
The tracks will be procedural generated from the Bezier curve:
http://8bitmemories.blogspot.co.uk/2011 ... ity3d.html
I'm not a great artist so the color schemes will be procedural generated using techniques such as this:
http://devmag.org.za/2012/07/29/how-to- ... lgorithms/
The race ship's physics/dynamics will be heavily controlled by my own code (overriding the normal physics code):
- Custom Collision Response
- Custom Velocity/Acceleration (To maintain forward momentum in the ships facing direction)
- Collision Detection Culling along the track curve (Taking account of Position, velocity and acceleration)
And emphasize the feel of moving a high velocity, and ceilings will be very low and the field of view will vary with ships velocity.
Additional track elements which I would want to add are:
- Speed Boosts
- "Healing" zones,
- Jumps,
- Pipes,
- Half Pipes,
- Cylinders (drive on outside of pipe)
- Racer gains Boost power after first lap, using boost lowers ship durability (health)
I want it to be a multiplayer game and there will be 32 racers per race.
Network traffic can be kept to a minimum using a lot of prediction and culling, (prioritizing racers nearest to each other) and only sending position data for far away racers.
There will be a variety of ship designs to choose from and there will be a limited amount of customization allowed at the start of each race.
This will be based on sliders:
- Acceleration vs Max Speed
- Durability vs Weight
- Boost vs Grip
Each ship design will have a character associated with it, I want to cover a variety ethic groups / genders / sexuality / etc some could be alien, but avoiding binary choices of black/white, girl/boy, gay/straight, etc
These characters would be represented by some fancy 2D artwork.
For a loose story behind this, I was thinking they could be the best racers from their respective planet / country.
Fast paced Guitar music
Exotic environments, eg Lava, Tree tops of a Rainforest, Surrounded by City Skyscrapers
Weather, eg Rain, snow, night, day
Of course, I won't be doing much if any development on this immediately, but I like to dream, and I hope to start it in a few weeks/months.
I'm happy to hear suggestions or for people to help out. Especially, for the art side.
Suggestions from you:
Attracting/Repelling object, eg Large Magnet, Blackhole
Floor gives way mid race, racers must race on the ceiling