Entity 2.1.24

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Re: Entity 2.1.22

Post by XZodia »

troymac1ure wrote:I just had another though for an add-on for ME2 as well. For object locations, etc it's annoying to change value, change reflexive, repeat 50+ times. I think it would be easy to add a right-click "change value in refelxives" option that opens a form with just that field, but a list from all reflexives. Then you can just go down the list and change each one and then save it. Thoughts? Would you find this useful?
That does sound interesting.
It also reminded me of the fact that the naming of some of the buttons in ME2 is rather confusing. You seem to mix up the terms Reflexive and Chunk.
You should think of the term Reflexive as an Array.
And think of the term Chunk as an item in the Array.

For Example:
"Copy To All Reflexives" makes no sense...
It should read "Copy To All Chunks"
JacksonCougar wrote:I find you usually have great ideas.
JacksonCougar wrote:Ah fuck. Why must you always be right? Why.
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Re: Entity 2.1.22

Post by DoorM4n »

troymac1ure wrote: I highly recommend against using ME1 as it is there just for keep-sake. I don't work with it anymore.
Not sure why changing the tag names to a different length should mess anything up. I may try to look into this, but I'm going to put priority on more important issues first.
I remember RTH getting broken, I think I fixed it, but now that I have my xbox setup properly I will try to use it again and see if there are issues in the newest version.
After fixing the AI_Squads stuff, the BSP viewer should no longer screw the maps up either.
The reason I use ME1is because the jmad tag layout is so much better than the ME2. ME2 is a nightmare for me when looking at jmads.
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Re: Entity 2.1.22

Post by troymac1ure »

XZodia wrote:That does sound interesting.
It also reminded me of the fact that the naming of some of the buttons in ME2 is rather confusing. You seem to mix up the terms Reflexive and Chunk.
You should think of the term Reflexive as an Array.
And think of the term Chunk as an item in the Array.

For Example:
"Copy To All Reflexives" makes no sense...
It should read "Copy To All Chunks"
Thanks, I never really thought about it too in depth, but that makes sense. I should've caught that sooner. Sometimes I get too caught up in the code.

As for JC's post, I look at that and it makes sense to me :P. I guess I've been dealing with Entity's code too long. It could really use some commenting I suppose.
EDIT: I wrote some of that code, so... :roll:
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Re: Entity 2.1.22

Post by JacksonCougar »

Its the magic methods that get me, the random array lists, the stuff. It doesn't 'read', if that makes sense?
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Re: Entity 2.1.22

Post by DoorM4n »

Hey, in some earlier versions of entity one could scroll through huge lists of chunks in some reflexives and beside the number would be the actual name that the chunk is identified with. I dont recall seeing that anymore. Can you add that to the back of your to-do list?
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Re: Entity 2.1.22

Post by Click16 »

DoorM4n wrote:Hey, in some earlier versions of entity one could scroll through huge lists of chunks in some reflexives and beside the number would be the actual name that the chunk is identified with. I dont recall seeing that anymore. Can you add that to the back of your to-do list?
Reflexive/chunk labels in the chunk clone too, I've noticed they don't show anymore
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Re: Entity 2.1.22

Post by troymac1ure »

Okay first off, the first page lists things that I jot down as I read through the forums. If you had a suggestion/fix check page 1 and see if it's listed with a - or + beside it. + is done, - I will try to get to before next release. If your idea is not there I probably forgot about it, so post it again.
DoorM4n wrote:Hey, in some earlier versions of entity one could scroll through huge lists of chunks in some reflexives and beside the number would be the actual name that the chunk is identified with. I dont recall seeing that anymore. Can you add that to the back of your to-do list?
They are there if the plugin references them. It may not show on the initial load (can't remember) but when you drop the list down it populates them for sure (I've been running into plugin issues that are to do with the reflexive labels).
You may need to edit your plugins to accommodate these labels.
Click16 wrote:Reflexive/chunk labels in the chunk clone too, I've noticed they don't show anymore
This I need to look into as I haven't looked at the chunk cloner for quite a while.
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Re: Entity 2.1.22

Post by Grimdoomer »

JacksonCougar wrote:Really, any of it. I just hate having to interpret what the ever living fuck they were trying to do all the time. And the old source was much worse tis' true.

Code: Select all

private void injectOBJToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (folderBrowserDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel)

            ParsedModel pm = new ParsedModel(ref map.SelectedMeta);
            Meta addme = pm.InjectModel(folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath, map.SelectedMeta);
            addme.name += "(new)";
            addme.name = GetNameDialog.Show("Choose injection name", "Meta Name:", addme.name, "OK");

            ArrayList oi = new ArrayList();
            MapAnalyzer analyze = new MapAnalyzer();

            MapLayout layout = analyze.ScanMapForLayOut(map, false);
            Builder build = new Builder();
            build.MapBuilder(oi, ref layout, map, false);

            map = Map.Refresh(map);
            formFuncs.AddMetasToTreeView(map, treeView1, metaView, false);
            this.Enabled = true;
random example, point and case.

Code: Select all

CSharp.DoSomeShit(this.map[this.mapnumber], ShitType.FuckYeah);
Don't snort the magic, we need it for the network.
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Re: Entity 2.1.23

Post by troymac1ure »

v2.1.24 is getting close. Managed to check off a lot on the to-do list. Working on the Mass Chunk Editor (MCE) now and then to fix a <still> residing bug in ME2's reflexive counts.

So far the MCE works completely with DataValue types: byte, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, float
These value types also have an auto-fill feature that allows you to auto-increment selected chunks within the reflexive.
The MCE properly shows StringID and Tag/Idents, but they still need more work (changing & saving).
I don't think I will add support for Bitmasks (ATM anyways).

Also, it likely won't have AI Zone or Team spawn support in the next version.
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Re: Entity 2.1.23

Post by XZodia »

btw the Team Designator value in Player Start Locations is not used by the engine.
Team spawns are controlled by volumes in the Spawn Data->Static Respawn Zones and Spawn Data->Static Initial Spawn Zones reflexives.
JacksonCougar wrote:I find you usually have great ideas.
JacksonCougar wrote:Ah fuck. Why must you always be right? Why.
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Re: Entity 2.1.23

Post by troymac1ure »

Yeah, I actually found that just after I posted. Also, it looks like they are just hemi-spheres, so I could likely just use the sound scenery code and adjust it to display hemi-spheres instead of complete spheres.
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Re: Entity 2.1.23

Post by JacksonCougar »

rgb_colour fields fuck up entity for some reason (I imagine they are reporting the wrong size)
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Re: Entity 2.1.23

Post by troymac1ure »

I'll look into this befor release. In case I can't find the issue easily, is it corrupting the data or shifting offsets? What are you doing to realize this? The new version will auto-detect color fields now anyways, but I'd still like to fix this.

Also, working on the last (supported) data type for the mass chunk editor (Indices/Tag Blocks).
Then I need to look at a reflexive count issue and the rgb_color issue listed above.

NOTE: Are you using rgb_color or rgb_colour? The plugins need to be written the american way.
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Re: Entity 2.1.23

Post by JacksonCougar »

I'm using the correct token, but I think the values are reporting incorrect sizes (rgb_colour is the one I noticed it with) I just went back to using bytes...
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Re: Entity 2.1.23

Post by troymac1ure »

I think there was a post around here about those (from Kornman mb?) about how rgb_color still uses ARGB, but just ignores the alpha. I have rgb_color size listed as 12, but from the previous post I assume it should be 16.

Yes, here it is:
If you declare it as argb_color, it should work okay, but I will adjust it in the new version.

I just realized I left rgb_color/argb_color with the same size as real_rgb_color/real_argb_color, so they were reporting 12/16 bytes instead of 3/4 (or both 4 bytes as known now). Fixed for the new version & thanks for pointing that out.
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Re: Entity 2.1.23

Post by JacksonCougar »

kman was wrong, on xbox the alpha is not a field: the size of rgb_color is 3.
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Re: Entity 2.1.23

Post by troymac1ure »

JacksonCougar wrote:kman was wrong, on xbox the alpha is not a field: the size of rgb_color is 3.
Confirmed this. Damn! Now I have to re-write that whole section of code again!

Code: Select all

offset += 3;
okay. done.
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Re: Entity 2.1.23

Post by JacksonCougar »

Could you maybe add a field for description text? Because there's a lot of comments available for the values I can strip out of h2pc for the xbox. Only problem is the fields name attribute cuts off after a certain point...
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Re: Entity 2.1.23

Post by troymac1ure »

Just make it an attribute and let me know what name you give it.

Hmmm... My to-do list was shrinking :roll:
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Re: Entity 2.1.23

Post by troymac1ure »

So far here's what's go:

Chunk Cloner Labels

Auto Color Wheels in ME2

Mass Chunk Editor (MCE) for Indices

MCE for Float values, using Auto-fill feature for blocks 12-20

Map Header Information Editor

As well as all the fixes, some code documentation and other small things.

Also DoorMan, if you look in the MCE photos you can see the dropdown chunk selector shows: [0:"2]. If you drop it down it shows the Block Index/Indices names. I believe this is what you were asking about before, but this has been here for ages. Your plugins may not be configured properly for it though.
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Re: Entity 2.1.23

Post by CaptainPoopface »

Wow, that MCE looks terrific. Must mod soon!!
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Re: Entity 2.1.23

Post by DoorM4n »

Troy, that looks so fantastic. Well done man!! I cant wait! This should cut down so much time on manually editing every chunk.
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Re: Entity 2.1.23

Post by troymac1ure »

DoorM4n wrote:Troy, that looks so fantastic. Well done man!! I cant wait! This should cut down so much time on manually editing every chunk.
That was my thoughts. Image doing race tracks again. For straight stretches you could just find the section spacing and make massive straightaways using x/y incremental offsets.
Or for an army, you could evenly space soldiers into a large battalion.
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Re: Entity 2.1.23

Post by troymac1ure »

Okay, a little more delayed. Started working on the Spawn Zones and looking at the code again... well. So many if ()...
if (Spawn==Weapons)... if (Spawn==Player)... if (Spawn is Rotation)...
Anyways, in short I am re-writing all the loading and saving routines for the BSP Viewer spawns so that each type will have it's own .Read() .Write() method instead of calculating all the info out each time for each spawn. Should make the loading/saving code easier to read and add to without buggering up the map.
...that is after I'm done and run through to make sure all the transfers went correctly and I didn't miss anything :roll:
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Re: Entity 2.1.23

Post by JacksonCougar »

I suggest you use a dynamic argument and use the same method to read all the spawns, :p
because the first halfs of all the object spawns are the same.
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