That does sound interesting.troymac1ure wrote:I just had another though for an add-on for ME2 as well. For object locations, etc it's annoying to change value, change reflexive, repeat 50+ times. I think it would be easy to add a right-click "change value in refelxives" option that opens a form with just that field, but a list from all reflexives. Then you can just go down the list and change each one and then save it. Thoughts? Would you find this useful?
It also reminded me of the fact that the naming of some of the buttons in ME2 is rather confusing. You seem to mix up the terms Reflexive and Chunk.
You should think of the term Reflexive as an Array.
And think of the term Chunk as an item in the Array.
For Example:
"Copy To All Reflexives" makes no sense...
It should read "Copy To All Chunks"