Unicode Strings Index

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Unicode Strings Index

Post by XZodia »

Can someone tell me what the purpose of the unicode strings index is? And how to read it?

Edit: Found troys new unicode reader, looks like a sid followed by a unicode index? This that right?
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Re: Unicode Strings Index

Post by troymac1ure »

Looks like that's correct. I would be interested to see if the "useless" byte is ever not 0.

StringID is always unique. A Unicode string never points to two SIDs, but a SID can point to multiple Unicode strings.
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Re: Unicode Strings Index

Post by Kills_Alone »

Is there are separate Unicode string reader then what is built into Entity? Entity is really picky even when I run it in a Windows XP VM. I need the strings to reassemble the various menus tag source to completion for a customized Halo 2.5 PC. I have most of the strings filled in, but some are tricky to locate with less tools on the H2PC side and there are a few new strings.
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Re: Unicode Strings Index

Post by XZodia »

Well first, Entity is for H2X not H2PC.
There are various H2X unicode string editors scattered around but I don't know of any for H2PC.
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Re: Unicode Strings Index

Post by Kills_Alone »

Yes, Entity is for H2x, but the old tools still provide a lot of help in recreating H2PC. I have a fully custom edition of H2PC made by recreating the missing tags, making my own custom tags, and then compiling new resource maps such as mainmenu.map. I've been modding H2x from the start, then I switched over to H2PC, so I have a pretty solid grasp of what is required to accomplish this goal.

Now that I'm recovering strings again I've been looking for a suggestion on the best H2x Unicode editor/viewer. I found a link to TroyMaclure's H2x FTP with tools but it was password protected so any help would be appreciated. I searched around a bit and checked a few H2x sites before asking of course.

I can find most of the strings and add the excess to global strings. In one of the map select or map base (not at my main system) .wgit tags there is a string that points to a value; I think it is map_key, my latest theory is that string needs to be a number and points at the first/default map, I can get the mainmenu to do everything except it crashes when going to select a different MP map.
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Re: Unicode Strings Index

Post by XZodia »

I've PM'd you the FTP details.

Unfortunately, my memory regarding unicode is a little hazy, or I'd help you more.
But it sounds like you might be best writing a program for whatever it is your trying to do.
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Re: Unicode Strings Index

Post by Kills_Alone »

Thanks, there are a lot of apps to look through. :)
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